"Η Ρητορική στα Αναλυτικά Προγράμματα της Σλοβενίας. Δεκαπέντε χρόνια μετά".

Igor Ž. Žagar

Περίληψη Εισήγησης


In 2001, the Republic of Slovenia introduced Rhetoric as a compulsory elective subject in Slovenian primary schools (compulsory elective meaning that all primary schools - more than 400 in Slovenia - have to offer it to their pupils). I was the author of the syllabus and the editor of the textbook. 

This talk will explain how the syllabus was structured and why, how the in-service training was performed (since there was no "official" higher education programme for future teachers of rhetoric), how the learning took place, what worked and what didn't, where and what were the problems for the pupils as well as the teachers.

These findings now serve as the basis for the new syllabus, as well as for the introduction of rhetoric into secondary schools.

Βιογραφικό Εισηγητή

O Igor Ž. Žagar είναι καθηγητής Ρητορικής και Επιχειρηματολογίας στο Πανεπιστήμιο Primorska της Σλοβενίας και Ερευνητής και Πρόεδρος του Παιδαγωγικού Ινστιτούτου Έρευνας της Λιουμπλιάνα. 

Igor Ž. Žagar studied philosophy, sociology, and linguistics in Ljubljana, Paris, and Antwerp. He received his doctoral degree in Sociology of Culture from the University of Ljubljana. He is Professor of Rhetoric and Argumentation (University of Primorska), Senior Research Fellow (Head of the Centre for Discourse Studies) at the Educational Research Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and currently also its director. He has lectured in Belgium, United States, Italy, China, Taiwan, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Spain, Russia, Romania, Poland, and France.

Žagar is especially interested in pragmatics (speech act theory, (critical) discourse analysis), philosophy of language, argumentation, and rhetoric. He is the (co)author and (co)editor of fifteen books, and more than a hundred articles.

Address: Educational Research Institute, Gerbičeva 62, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. 

E-mail: igor.zagar@guest.arnes.si, igor.zzagar@gmail.com


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